
Guest Authors - Dora and Akuah!

August 7, 2009 - 9:44am -- cathisblog
Dora and Akuah

Hey girls summer interns, Akuah and Dora, talking. We've had a great week so far at the Girls Inc. of Worcester. Each day we learn what goes into running this organization and what we can do to make it better for the next two years.

On August 6, 2009 we were invited to the Leading Women MASS Breakfast with guest speaker Dr. Anne Perschel. While there, we met many leading women who were ready to absorb the powerful message from Dr. Perschel about Finding Your Flow. She talked about how there isn't really a work/life balance, but you need to have a flow state. Your flow state is when you are fully absorbed and enagaged in the moment. You don't even notice time passing and you're fully energized. She talked about pleasure, happiness and fulfillment, and how that relates to the flow state. She encouraged us to interpert these three topics in our own way. Dora defines pleasure as what you want, happiness as what you did, and fulfillment is the result of what you did. 

After this wonderful breakfast, we realized it was a lot different than what we expected it to be. We were glad we got to be a part of it. It motivated us to know that in the future we can also be leading women in our community!

Looking forward to what the next week has in store for us! We're loving Girls Inc.!