
We Must Continue Telling HERstory, which is Our Story

Girls Inc. of Worcester CEO, Victoria Waterman explains why we must tell HERstory
Release Date: 
Monday, March 14, 2022

It never occurred to me that being a female author, writing a historic fiction novel about my family’s survival of the Armenian Genocide, would put me in a vast minority. You see, history is still a story that’s mostly told by men.  

While the history documented may be invaluable, it is incomplete. Women also made history and their important stories go untold. Women lived it, endured it, suffered it, succeeded in it, cared for others during it, and played both key and critical support roles.

A study inspired by the Vida Count Project, of recent popular history books in America reveals that: 

“Seventy-five percent of history books are written by men and 71% are written about men. Thirty-one percent of women who wrote biographies wrote about men, too, while only 6% of male biographers wrote about a woman’s life.”

Continue to read Victoria Waterman's article and check out the Worcester Telegram & Gazette opinion editorial.